By Sunny Awhefeada Nigerian rulers sowed the wind and they reaped the whirlwind in the October youth uprising. Although, the October incident made no pretence to being like the October 1917 Revolution in Russia, the Nigerian case will certainly alter the curve of our national evolution. Certain assumptions, perceptions and noxious acts are bound to give way for good. Nobody would pout and describe Nigerian youths as lazy henceforth. I doubt if the ruling class and their goons would test the will of the youth as they were wont…
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Analysis & Opinion: The October Youth Uprising
By Sunny Awhefeada The month of October remains the most significant in Nigeria’s history. It was at the dawn of its first day in 1960 that we were set free from colonial bondage and pronounced an independent nation. The import of that day remains inscribed in the consciousness of every Nigerian. Growing up, many songs were composed for us to sing about that day as primary school pupils. Our social studies lessons and later government and history gave much premium to the fact that October 1 was the “day…
Read MoreEngr D. U. Erhue (1957-2020)
By Sunny Awhefeada Engineer Diamond Ukpegharovwe Erhue who passed on to the great beyond on the 29th of June 2020 was not just a good man, but one of the best of men. In a society that has run amock and where values no longer count, Engr. Erhue stood for what was ideal and how life should be lived. Cerebral with a critical and analytical mind, patient and ever gentle with a listening ear, compassionate, generous and always willing to help, diligent and dedicated, Engr. Erhue, as he was called…
Read MoreAnalysis: A Nation without Roads
By Sunny Awhefeada The road constitutes a metaphor of life’s journey for Africans. It is central to the configuration and understanding of the metaphysical nexus between the abode of the dead and that of the living which we call life. The metaphoric and metaphysical essence of the road also mediates life’s journey and its uncertain twists and turns. The road is benign as it connects people and places. The road is also cruel as it has thrown people and places into mourning. The road consumes humanity. It engenders loss.…
Read MoreAnalysis: Obaseki, Oshiomhole, Edo People And The Subversion of Subversion
By Sunny Awhefeada But for the liberty which postmodernism confers on the use of language to express the oddity which defines contemporary reality, it would have been hard put for anybody to aptly describe or encode the political turmoil going on in Edo State. The unfolding absurdist script written, directed and acted by one man has again raised a lot of salient issues about politics in Nigeria. While conceding to the devious underpinning of the etymology of the word “politician”, the Nigerian variant of it must have astounded the very…
Read MoreAnalysis: Thinking about Nigeria
By Sunny Awhefeada The Nigerian writer or thinker has never had a sunny moment to ponder about the beauty of Nigeria. The reality which daily confronts our writers and thinkers are the dreadful ugliness of a dehumanized polity and people. When the Nigerian writer sits down to write, what looms in his imaginary is Armageddon with many Leviathans bestriding the landscape with destructive ferocity. The thinkers are hard pressed to offer theoretical moorings and solutions to the Nigerian debacle. The Nigerian crisis, whatever it is and its manifestations, has been…
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