By Sunny Awhefeada The title of this intervention will have a familiar ring among students and scholars of Nigerian poetry. It recalls Ibiwari Ikiriko’s Oily Tears of the Delta, a collection of poems which the late poet published in 2000. Ikiriko’s dedication reads, “This collection owes its inspiration to the need to save the Niger Delta/It is dedicated to the famished and fed-up people of the Delta including the dead and the dying”. The poet goes on to offer poems which engage the parlous condition of the Niger Delta…
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A Tribute to Professor Enamiroro Patrick Oghuvbu
By Sunny Awhefeada The profound or genuine essence of our world is embedded in philosophy. Every race or society has a worldview which is lucidly expressed and accepted as part of its given philosophy. Although imperial arrogance as embodied by Europe negated the African worldview, more than enough evidence abound to depict a rich and abiding tradition of thought which is anchored on studied rationality. Among Africans of old as of now are philosophers, poets and prophets. And there were also professors in African universities in Sankore, Fez and…
Read MoreAnalysis &Opinion: In Defence of Bishop Kukah
By Sunny Awhefeada, Men of courage stand up to be counted when it mattered. They do not succumb to the gains and comfort of complicity in moment of crisis. They courage range on the side of the people and their deeds are inscribed in the hearts of men long after they are gone. The clergy ought to be a calling for men of courage, men who minister to the overall good of society, men who can speak truth to power no matter what. The Bible and other religious books…
Read MoreAnalysis & Opinion: All Will be Well
By Sunny Awhefeada One incontestable fact is that 2020 was a year of trepidation. It was a year that humanity will never forget. Stories will be made out of it for generations to come. Such a year as 2020 is never lost to history. By family records, none of my grandparents was up to fifteen years of age in 1918. That means that my parents were not even born then. They were born three and four decades later respectively. However, an incident that shook the world in 1918 some many…
Read MoreAnalysis & Opinion: 2020, It Is Well
By Sunny Awhefeada One of my childhood preoccupations was to watch my maternal grandmother, Mama Omorona Urhobojavba, at sundown every 31st of December carry out what was her end of year rite. It was in the December of 1983 that I first noticed it. From that moment, I would, each year, stay vigilant at that time of the evening when she would walk to the corner of our house facing the direction of the sun in its pale westward journey. With muttering lips and solemn look, delicate and deliberate…
Read MoreAnalysis & Opinion: ASUU And The Presidency’s Three Ostriches
By Sunny Awhefeada I do not know if President Muhammadu Buhari has a soft spot for avian species or if keeps or kept any the way he loves and keeps cows. My surmise is that if he loved or kept birds as pets, the species must be the ostrich. The President doesn’t need to bother about the cost or where to get ostriches. He would not need the services of a handler to groom them. Truly, Buhari will not need to look too far in search of ostriches because…
Read MoreAnalysis : Buratai And The Ghost Of January 1966
By Sunny Awhefeada When in late 2015, President Muhammadu Buhari announced the emergence of the then Major General Tukur Yusuf Buratai as Nigeria’s Chief of Army Staff, many hailed it as a strategic appointment that will facilitate the former’s declared intention to exterminate the Boko Haram insurgency by December of that year. The tall two-star general was the Commander of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MJTF), a coalition of troops from a number of countries battling insurgency in the sub region. Buratai was also from Borno State the epicenter of…
By Sunny Awhefeada Professor Andy Ogochukwu Egwunyenga was appointed as the seventh substantive Vice Chancellor of the Delta State University, (DELSU), Abraka, with effect from 1st December 2019. It was a befitting gift to end the year, not just for Professor Egwunyenga, but for the DELSU community. As it has become in virtually every Nigerian university, the contest for the Vice Chancellorship was fierce and characterized by schemes. However, once his emergence was confirmed and announced, a therapeutic ambience enveloped the University. The new Vice Chancellor took over on…
Read MoreAnalysis & Opinion: Praying And Preying
By Sunny Awhefeada Nigeria remains a nation of more than many oddities. Just when you think that you have heard the most disheartening of things, you get confronted by another miasma and yet another and another! What usually follows is a feeling akin to helplessness, the kind that would make you sigh, throw up your hands and surrender to the inanities. But surrendering should not and must not be an option. We must learn to brace up and confront the demons that befuddle our country and putting us on the…
Read MoreAnalysis & Opinion: Nigeria’s Future IGP and Governors who Stole Indomie
By Sunny Awhefeada The #ENDSARS protests which culminated in the October youths uprising has inscribed itself in Nigeria’s annals. Its sheer magnitude, spread, resilience and destructive propensity not only constituted socio-economic and political upset, but threw up many symbolic incidents which perceptive followers of the Nigerian story will find instructive in their analysis or evaluation. The humanities, a discipline that is besotted with significations and interpretation, is bound to throw up texts and contexts to which aficionados will give variegated, intriguing and often astonishing interpretations which are usually outside the…
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