Education: Delegate Tea Vs. ASUU Tea

By Sunny Awhefeada   Our country has, before our very eyes, snowballed into something close to an irredeemable tragi- comedy. We are daily confronted with oddities which leave us astounded. Meaninglessness and chaos of tragic proportions have become our lot as we wallow in pity and looming danger. We have become so inured to pain, fear and ill-omen that we can now poke our fingers into fire not minding whether we will get burnt.   We seemed programmed for doom. Ours has become a country where illogically trounces logic and…

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News Features: Nigeria’s PVC Revolution

By Sunny Awhefeada It is no longer news that a revolution is sweeping across Nigeria. Driven by Nigerian youths, it is sweeping many in its wake. It is called the PVC revolution. One is confronted by the clamour and necessity of owning the item called PVC everywhere and anywhere one turns. The phenomenon is depicting the tenacity of a people genuinely fed up with an order and desirous of change. What began as a mere whim and wish is gathering huge and unprecedented momentum. The PVC, which is the acronym…

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News Features: For Ejiro Otarigho The Uncommon Hero

By Sunny Awhefeada   A few days ago, the town of Agbarho in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State witnessed an incident that would have ended up as a tragedy of unimaginable destructive proportions, but for the extraordinary bravery of one man. A truck fully loaded with Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) popular known as petrol burst into flames on the East-West Road axis of Agbarho. For those familiar with that location, it is always a busy zone as it links the busy cities of Warri and Port-Harcourt. Sandwiched…

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News Features: And We Lost Our Humanity

By Sunny Awhefeada   A society bereft of good leadership is condemned to perdition. Doom comes slowly, but surely to such a society. Such an entity eventually gets to eat itself up if no redemptive intervention happens. And when it is time to eat itself up it will consume everybody and anybody in its path, the governors and the governed. It happened in Liberia, Rwanda, Zaire, Sierra Leone and so many other places where leadership once went bananas. The failure of leadership if not arrested often ends in tragedy for…

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DELSU @ 30: Abraka And The Furthering Of The Nigerian Literary Tradition (Part 3)

By Sunny Awhefeada   Thirty years after the founding of the Delta State University, Abraka, stakeholders can look back and attempt a reckoning of her literary engagements. The harvest has been impressive and remarkably so. The seminal efforts that ran through the better part of two decades have started yielding dividends which manifest all around. The doyen, Sam Ukala went on to win Nigeria’s most prestigious literary prize and Africa’s biggest in monetary value the LNG Prize for Literature with Iredi War in 2014. Abraka’s biggest poetry brand Ebi Yeibo…

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News Features: DELSU @ 30: Abraka And The Furthering Of The Nigerian Literary Tradition (Part 1)

  By Sunny Awhefeada     There exists an abiding link between Nigerian literature and the university. Although, the tendency for the university, in many parts of the world, to be the springboard for literary flowering is well acknowledged, the case of Nigeria is rather too compelling not to enable a reference to it again and again. The seminal example of the then University College Ibadan (UCI) now University of Ibadan which served as nursery for the growth of Nigerian literature remains phenomenal and significant. When the portals of the…

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Analysis & Opinion: And The Sons Of Senghor Prevailed

By Sunny Awhefeada   Watching the final match of the just concluded African Cup of Nations was quite emotional for me. It was not about the presence of twenty-two players on the football pitch in Paul Biya’s Cameroon. It was not about the charged atmosphere, the shouts, anxiety, fear, significant and telling as they were. What competed for my attention with the aforementioned was our past, the history of Africa, her not too distant past. The two countries that played in the final, Egypt and Senegal, hold so much allure…

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Analysis & Opinion: Is This The Land Of Our Birth?

By Sunny Awhefeada   Nigeria held great promise for my generation in our childhood, and I must add that it still holds same for me despite our present ordeal! While growing up, Nigeria was the ideal place to be born and be brought up. Although we were born just after the Civil War, we grew up not knowing that a war was fought. The victims of the war put the tragic experience behind them and got sucked in by the ideal and idea of Nigerianism. We grew up in different…

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Analysis & Opinion: When Silence Spoke

By Sunny Awhefeada   An intriguing relationship sustains the deployment of words in different contexts be it serious or banal. What students of structuralism call binary opposition is one depiction of the multiplicity of the tendencies to which words can be subjected. The storehouse of words throws up choices, options or variations from which the user selects to suit his whim in giving words to his thoughts. Silence and speech share the opposite and intriguing tendency which the oeuvre of language epitomizes. Both are opposites and complementary in more ways…

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Analysis & Opinion: The Imam’s Verdict

By Sunny Awhefeada Spiritual leaders owe their societies a sacred duty to act as moral compass. Apolitical as they are supposed to be, they are often compelled to intervene in moments of grave crises which seek to destroy such societies. Spiritual leaders see tomorrow. They draw our attention to pitfalls. They caution and admonish. Above all they suffer discomfort and make sacrifice for the society. Theirs remain an onerous task of social reclamation in the face of assaults occasioned by socio-decadence. Such assaults if not averted often spell doom for…

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