By Assin Godstime Phone Number: 08165006012.   History does not forgive a leader for a wrong decision or misrule. It is simply wrong decisions that lead to abuse of power. These persons (leaders), their short political career is to make one think soberly, unhappily, weep and to frustrate the poor, particularly those who against all odds, sacrificed their precious time in the blazing heat of the sun to elect them. History cannot forget in hurry leaders who affected those who elected them negatively. Every human being is born with different…

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Okuama Killing: On The Declaration Of The Ovie Of Ewu By The Nigerian Army

By Assin Godstime   One lesson to learn from the Okuama saga is the need to have pragmatic leaders in power. When you give power to a weak person to lead, perhaps because of sentiment, it hurts in the future. The Delta State Governor, in my binoculars, failed in the matter in hand. It’s surprising that a sitting Governor and Chief Security Officer of a State could not access Okuama that is under his watch, to access the true situation of things. The UPU is another big failure, and this…

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