PDP Chieftain Writes Okowa, Caution Him Agsinst Internet Fraudsters Ahead Of LG Election


Your Excellency Sir,

Be rest assured of my fervent prayers and wishes as you and your family recover speedily from the Covid-19 pandemic.

I have noted with great joy and admiration your giant strides in developmental projects across the state since you assumed office on the 29th of May, 2015 till date.

Upon your taking the oath of office, you promised Prosperity for All Deltans through your SMART AGENDA and that you have lived up to as a Talk Na Do Governor; kudos sir.

This has also confirmed your title of the EKWUEME; meaning, ‘One who keeps promises’. And this you have always demonstrated across board and which all Deltans had directly or indirectly benefitted from.

Sir, I have in the recent time be disturbed by the trend of things across the 25 local government reas over the manners of persons aspering for the position of the local government councilorship and chairmanship with alleged traits of fraudsters.

A trend that if not curbed now will cast a negative image on the state, mostly now that you have successfully made Delta state PDP a focal point with people of impeccable characters and integrity; hence am coming up with this letter to crave your indulgence so as to act fast to nip it in the bud.

I am writing this letter not only on the basis of my being a party loyalist but also for my love for our great party, mostly when one considers your sterling leadership quality which has brought much unending respect to the entire state as a peace loving governor who hates all forms of double standard.

These sets and caliber of people, if not washed-off or checked, will rather destroys or dents the good image of our great party and state, hence am calling on the amiable governor to do something fast on this salient issue to save the state and the party from the hands of those who had not contributed or have any or little interest of the party at heart before it gets out of hands.

This unholy nature of persons, if given the mantle of leadership as council chairmen, who knows if they may not misuse the privileges of the mandate given to them by the people to undo their so called whitemen victims, by using the exalted government offices to perpetrate their unwholesome act, thereby giving the state and the party a bad name it has never had for the past 20 years of democracy through nefarious activities.

The recent arrest of Hushpuppi, alleged as a renown internet scammer has again put Nigeria on the spotlight, buttressing the single fact that Nigeria as a country parades lazy youths that considers no any other genuine means to living but on how to swindle whoever comes their way, black or white of their hard earned savings.

Delta state is known for its harvest of talented and hardworking gentlemen that have excelled in their various fields of discipline, hence today, Deltans and Nigerians can confidently celebrate the likes of Jim Ovia, Tony Elumelu, Richard Mofe Damijo and Jay Jay Okocha to mention but few as great personalities and not on any allegations of fraudsters or questionable characters.

In those days when elections were done by direct primaries, such persons with traits of double standard, fraudster or scammer are not given the room to identify with any political party not to talk of contesting an elective positions so that the party does not loose in its elections or end up in doom but rather featured people of high repute and without any form of bandwagons, so that the party can come out with victory.

It should be noted that a political party that gives internet bouger its ticket either through back or front doors against persons of impeccable character should not expect anything short of disappointments, total disrespects for party leadership because he or she does not know the sacrifices the party had made in getting to where it is but when this is not considered, we end up in a sorry state.

The recent happenings over Hushpuppi’s arrest on allegations of internet fraud and the negative effect it has created in Nigeria country, it generated a lot of issues in the national newspapers and onlines because of the likes of high profile personalities that Hushppuppi had associated with before the recent developments and the negative impact this association may have had on these names considering the years it has taken them to build these names.

Sir, It will serve us well and correct a lot of wrongs if government, the people and the party could look towards this direction of saving the party and the state from this unforseen circumstances with nothing but a careful investigation of those vying for any elective position such as that of the councilorship to that of Chairmanship of any local government area across the state to avail us of amendment or regrets.

The electioneering process should also be monitored closely to avoid what could tear the party apart without recourse to punity and respect to party hierarchy, hence there is this urgent call on the state governor and the party leadership at all levels to save ourselves of this great danger of having the likes of these internet gangsters as chairmen of councils.

Your Excellency sir, with this highligts, l don’t think the party will ever give in to such mistakes that it will ever regrets in the later future by giving room to what could bring the party any form of disgrace because of some personal interest who never considers who becomes what because monetary gains.

Again, your excellency, l give my assurances and my warmest wishes, as it is my prayers that God in his Infinite mercy will continue to guide and protect you and grant you sound health and more purposeful vision and mission as you take the Delta PDP to greater heights.

Messer Goodluck Emitiri
A Political Analyst from Delta State


Your Excellency Sir,

Be rest assured of my fervent prayers and wishes as you and your family recover speedily from the Covid-19 pandemic.

I have noted with great joy and admiration your giant strides in developmental projects across the State since you assumed office on the 29th of May, 2015 till date.

Upon your taking the oath of office, you promised Prosperity for All Deltans through your SMART AGENDA and that you have lived up to as a Talk Na Do Governor; kudos sir.

This has also confirmed your title of the EKWUEME; meaning, ‘One who keeps promises’. And this you have always demonstrated across board and which all Deltans had directly or indirectly benefitted from.

Sir, I have in the recent time be disturbed by the trend of things across the 25 local government areas over the manners of persons aspiring for the position of the local government councilorship and chairmanship with alleged traits of fraudsters.

A trend that if not curbed now will cast a negative image on the State, mostly now that you have successfully made Delta State PDP a focal point with people of impeccable characters and integrity; hence am coming up with this letter to crave your indulgence so as to act fast to nip it in the bud.

I am writing this letter not only on the basis of my being a party loyalist but also for my love for our great party, mostly when one considers your sterling leadership quality which has brought much unending respect to the entire State as a peace loving governor who hates all forms of double standard.

These sets and caliber of people, if not washed-off or checked, will rather destroys or dents the good image of our great party and state, hence am calling on the amiable governor to do something fast on this salient issue to save the state and the party from the hands of those who had not contributed or have any or little interest of the party at heart before it gets out of hands.

This unholy nature of persons, if given the mantle of leadership as council chairmen, who knows if they may not misuse the privileges of the mandate given to them by the people to undo their so called whitemen victims, by using the exalted government offices to perpetrate their unwholesome act, thereby giving the state and the party a bad name it has never had for the past 20 years of democracy through nefarious activities.

The recent arrest of Hushpuppi, alleged as a renown internet scammer has again put Nigeria on the spotlight, buttressing the single fact that Nigeria as a country parades lazy youths that considers no any other genuine means to living but on how to swindle whoever comes their way, black or white of their hard earned savings.

Delta State is known for its harvest of talented and hardworking gentlemen that have excelled in their various fields of discipline, hence today, Deltans and Nigerians can confidently celebrate the likes of Jim Ovia, Tony Elumelu, Richard Mofe Damijo and Jay Jay Okocha to mention but few as great personalities and not on any allegations of fraudsters or questionable characters.

In those days when elections were done by direct primaries, such persons with traits of double standard, fraudster or scammer are not given the room to identify with any political party not to talk of contesting an elective positions so that the party does not loose in its elections or end up in doom but rather featured people of high repute and without any form of bandwagons, so that the party can come out with victory.

It should be noted that a political party that gives internet bouger its ticket either through back or front doors against persons of impeccable character should not expect anything short of disappointments, total disrespects for party leadership because he or she does not know the sacrifices the party had made in getting to where it is but when this is not considered, we end up in a sorry state.

The recent happenings over Hushpuppi’s arrest on allegations of internet fraud and the negative effect it has created in Nigeria country, it generated a lot of issues in the national newspapers and onlines because of the likes of high profile personalities that Hushppuppi had associated with before the recent developments and the negative impact this association may have had on these names considering the years it has taken them to build these names.

Sir, It will serve us well and correct a lot of wrongs if government, the people and the party could look towards this direction of saving the party and the state from this unforseen circumstances with nothing but a careful investigation of those vying for any elective position such as that of the councilorship to that of Chairmanship of any local government area across the state to avail us of amendment or regrets.

The electioneering process should also be monitored closely to avoid what could tear the party apart without recourse to punity and respect to party hierarchy, hence there is this urgent call on the state governor and the party leadership at all levels to save ourselves of this great danger of having the likes of these internet gangsters as chairmen of councils.

Your Excellency sir, with this highligts, l don’t think the party will ever give in to such mistakes that it will ever regrets in the later future by giving room to what could bring the party any form of disgrace because of some personal interest who never considers who becomes what because monetary gains.

Again, your excellency, l give my assurances and my warmest wishes, as it is my prayers that God in his Infinite mercy will continue to guide and protect you and grant you sound health and more purposeful vision and mission as you take the Delta PDP to greater heights.

Messer Goodluck Emitiri
A Political Analyst from Delta State

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