Omamuzo Efidhere & Grandball Choice
The serene Okpara-Inland, Community, Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State came alive penultimate weekend as top government officials, politicians, businessmen and religious leaders converged to mark the 24 remembrance anniversary of Mr. Vincent Good Otutu Agbabune, father of Mrs. Ejiro Otive-Igbuzor.
Dr. Mrs. Ejiro Otive-Igbuzor, wife of Dr. Otive Igbuzor, Chief of Staff to Deputy Senate President, described her dad as a loving father, a no-nonsense disciplinarian, a lover of education, generous, an investor, crowd puller and comedian. “He was a father to many besides his biological children; he always went out of his way to make everyone comfortable. He believed so much in education and invested heavily in the education of many who were not his biological children. I recall daddy leaving chunks of fish in his plate after meals as a child I thought that he did not really like fish. I recently came to realize that it was one of the ways that he rewarded whoever came to clear up the table and do the dishes.
“Daddy was tough and highly principled, our home operated on strict rules, our dressing had to be proper and on point, we were taught to greet and respect elders, no coarse talk was permitted, every misdeed was sanctioned. As a girl, daddy taught me to wash his car and iron his trousers with a singular gator. He carried a special grace that attracted prosperity into his life. He gathered wealth but did not keep it to himself, he distributed it, his nickname was Osiorigho (money rain), one of the blueprints for wealth that I received by listening to him was ‘Igho ovwiere’ (money is lazy). His philosophy was that if you are alive, well and hardworking, money builds up easily; money has no strength to struggle or argue with you. I learnt very early in life not to be intimidated by money.
“Though he left this world at only 53, his achievements and investment were monumental. He bought lands and built houses, even in death, he still provides shelter for many people today. He was a staunch member of the Okpara Elite Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society. He had friends that were like brothers to him, we called all of them ‘uncle’ even when we could not define any biological relationship to some of them, and daddy had a deep sense of humour. Death has no respect as some people should not die. Daddy was phenomenon. It hurts that you did not wait to enjoy us but we know that you are in an excellent place. The Lord has been a great father to us all since you passed. Rest well till we meet on resurrection morning.” She concluded.
Dr. Otive Igbuzor, Chief of Staff to Deputy Senate President, stated that he would remember his in-law late Mr. Vincent Good Agbabune, with fond memories for his simplicity and consideration. “He accepted me wholeheartedly into his family. He did not consider me as an in-law but a son, I recall vividly when I went to see him for introduction in Lagos, and I went with only one person-Dr. Felix Ikie and he had only one person with him, Chief Pender Obodo.
“The counsel he gave me can only be given to a son and not a would-be in-law. After he listed the things required for marriage in the Agbabune family, he waived many things that were meant for the father of the bride-wrapper, shirt, hat and walking stick. This simplicity and concern shown to me has affected the way that I relate with would-be in-laws to the Igbuzor family. Unfortunately, my in-law did not live long to enjoy the benefits of a son and son-in-law from me. However, I am happy that my blessing from above (Ejiro) came from his loins.”
On their part, Mrs. Victoria Opiri Ugbogure Nee Agbabune and Mercy Obaro Okparavero, nieces of late Mr. Vincent Good Agbabune, stated that they were filled with a great sense of pride for the life of service that their uncle lived and his immense contribution to the family. “Your departure from this earth created a vacuum that has been difficult to fill, you remain our greatest source of inspiration, the love, kindness and support you showered on us continues to impact positively on our lives.
“Our uncle was very caring to a fault; he was humble, hardworking and not greedy. He was easy and firm, he was not content just to be counted present in the game of life, he aimed to make impact wherever he was. Uncle Good came to my (Mercy) rescue and bought JAMB form for me in 1988 after my money was stolen from me on my way from Ring road to University of Benin campus by a ‘one chance’ cab driver. Things went bleak and my chance of going to the university was almost slipping out of my hands. If not for my uncle, I would not have been a journalist today. Though your sojourn on earth was brief, you left an indelible mark on the sands of time and we are comforted and proud that you lived a fulfilled life.” They said.
Apostle Abraham Ukuyoma, Snr. Pastor, Palace of Praise Ministries Int’l Inc, Osubi City and PFN Chairman, Okpe LGA Chapter in his exhortation charged all to live for God and be a blessing to others as they will only be remembered for what they have done. “Our lives revolve around others so treat others, well and nicely. We are dust, from the dust you came and to the same dust you will return. Only a foolish man asks people ‘do you know who I am’. See every position you hold today as an avenue to touch lives. Always ask yourself what legacies am I building and living behind for the next generation.
“It is better to be good than bad. People may abuse and take advantage of you but in the end good is always better than evil. There are certain names that you cannot mention in some quarters because of fear of being beaten up. Our life is a story, so when your story will be told; two things will happen either people will want to pay you for the good you have done or revenge the evil you have done.”
Mr. Vincent Good Otutu Agbabune, was the third of three children born to Mr. and Mrs. Agbabune of Ugbebe village in Okpara-Inland, Agbon Clan, Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State. He attended Ejaife Primary School in Okpara-Inland and Abott Institute Grammar School, Sapele. He held a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of Massachusetts, Boston, United States of America.
He worked as a senior government official with the Nigerian Economic Welfare Services (NEWS) in Benin City and built his own business, Lovinla Circle, a financial investment company. He was on the school football team in secondary school and was known for his impactful left-legged shots. He had twelve children, twenty two grandchildren and two great grandchildren.