Kaspersky unveils ‘surveillance proof’ smartphone

For anyone who is worried about cybersecurity or even concerned their phone phone is being eavesdropped, Natalya Kaspersky, the leading IT entrepreneur has devised a solution.

The new device known as the TaigaPhone, was created by InfoWatch Group, her software development company, and was unveiled at a business forum in Moscow last Friday.

The device will cost approximately $260 (THB8,600), has a 5-inch screen, and will be entirely green to reflect the northern Russian forest that it is named after.

Kaspersky said “We have created it for the corporate market,” which is interesting as Russia’s leading antivirus software development company which some believe may have links to Russian intelligence.

Kaspersky Lab have been involved with a number of issues in the US in recent months with the US government removing Kaspersky from its approved vendors list due to safety concerns./

However, there has been no evidence to suggest that this is the case, nor has there been evidence to suggests that spies use the Kaspersky software to glean information. The company has in fact repeatedly denied any involvement with any governments.

The TaigaPhone is not the first Russian-made smartphone. YotaPhone, which first appeared on the market in 2013, is back this year with a new device, the YotaPhone 3.

The new device will be approximately five times cheaper than the cost of an iPhone in Russia so will undoubtedly be very popular with businesses.

“Half of all data loss in Russia happens on mobile devices, we intend to fix that problem with the TaigaPhone,” company representative Grigoriy Vasilyev told investors at the forum.

The Russian company claims that it can guarantee confidentiality, track devices and prevent information leakages which will again be very appealing.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRW764-rZCY[/embedyt]

Culled from Here


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