Isodje Junction: A Nightmare Unresolved As Rains Approach

From, Akpovoke Otiti (Asaba)


As the rainy season looms, residents of Ughelli are once again confronted with the deplorable state of Isodje Junction. Year after year, this critical junction remains a nightmare, plagued by deep gullies, stagnant water, and impassable roads.

Commuters and business owners bear the brunt of this neglect, forced to navigate through pools of muddy water and hazardous potholes that damage vehicles and disrupt daily activities. The cries for intervention have been loud and persistent, yet they continue to fall on deaf ears.

Ironically, when community elections draw near, the same politicians who have ignored this pressing issue suddenly find millions of naira to sponsor their preferred candidates. Their generosity in funding campaigns stands in stark contrast to their refusal to address the basic infrastructural needs of the people.

It is a shameful cycle where the masses are only valued as voting instruments, rather than as citizens deserving of a functional and safe environment. This blatant disregard for the welfare of the people speaks volumes about the priorities of those in power.

The neglect of Isodje Junction is not just a reflection of poor governance but also an indictment of the political culture that thrives on deception.

The people deserve better leaders who prioritize development over personal ambitions, who see road rehabilitation as a necessity rather than a campaign strategy. It is high time the authorities stopped paying lip service to the plight of the people and took decisive action to fix this mess before the rains make life unbearable.

Ughelli cannot afford another year of suffering due to government inaction. The people must demand accountability, ensuring that elected officials fulfill their responsibilities beyond mere election rhetoric. If millions can be found for political games, then surely, funds can be allocated to fix Isodje Junction. The time for excuses is over the people need action, not empty promises.

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