And We Survived! By Sunny Awhefeada

    I have in the last nine years doubted the authenticity and purpose of the phrase “Happy New Year”! It appears as if we chant the words without giving a second’s thought to its real meaning or bearing on our daily experience. If each beginning or New Year was intended to make life better, Nigeria defeated that essence many years ago. Each New Year came with its challenges to the extent that we yearn to flee back to the year or years before it. Once I resolved not to…

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Reptiles Set To Take Over Major Roundabouts In Ughelli North Metropolis

  Reptiles are gradually taking over major roundabouts that beautify the metropolitan city of Ughelli North due to lack of maintenance by the environmental department in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State. Five major roundabouts overgrown by weeds awaiting reptile invasion are at the heartbeat of Ughelli. Below is NNPC Roundabout as at December 31,2024. These roundabouts are, Makolomi, NNPC, Egor, St Theresa and another inside Ekiugbo Community while the destruction of the AGGS. As at December, 2024, these theater of beauty known to bring out beautiful colors…

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